
Hampstead Bypass Low Priority, But Landowners Still Wait

Landowners affected by the Hampstead Bypass continue to be stuck in no-mans-land, and it does not appear that the situation is likely to change in the near future. Will the project be funded or won’t it?  Sometimes the answer appears to be yes, sometimes maybe, and sometimes no. And in all this indecision, landowners are the losers.

The lawyers at Henson Fuerst Attorneys continue to file lawsuits in Hampstead and other cities across the state on behalf of innocent landowners who are being affected by the NC Map Act (Transportation Corridor Official Maps of the NC Department of Transportation).

Interesting fact:  Did you know that when the Transportation Corridor Official Map is filed in your local county, that it actually appears in the chain of title of your property?  That means if you are trying to sell or borrow against the property, all prospective buyers and lenders know that you property is due to be taken by the state for the highway project.  The problem is that the state won’t tell you when the property might be taken, how much will be paid, or even when they are planning to allocate funding for the project! This limbo can last for decades. Just ask the land owners in Hampstead, Greenville, Shelby, Raleigh, Greensboro, Wilmington, Fayetteville and other cities across the state.

If you are one of these affected land owners, call us to learn more about your legal rights. Call us at (919) 781-1107, or visit our website at nclandlawyer.com.

Read the latest info about the “yellow light” ranking of the Hampstead Bypass here:
