
Property Easements: A National Problem for Homeowners

Issues surrounding property easements—legal rights granted to a corporation or agency to use another’s land for a specific limited purpose—are not just a North Carolina issue. The concerns that remain when an organization has legal use of property owned by others are national in scope.

Recently, homeowners in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania have expressed their concerns over Sunoco’s $5.1 billion Mariner East pipeline project—and the effect this pipeline expansion will have on their property values. The project is slated to run through several densely populated communities along its 350-mile route. The full story on this project is available here.

While many homeowners said they were aware their properties held easements for the Sunoco pipeline, others said they had no clue Sunoco planned to expand. As a result, opposition groups have formed to challenge the legality of the project—which has greatly unsettled the residential real estate market.

Hitting Close to Home

Many North Carolina residents experienced a similar situation when the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit—ruling in a suit brought by the Southern Environmental Law Center—invalidated the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. We reported on this issue in an earlier blog.

If your land is being taken away—or you face restrictions on the use of your own property—you’re not alone. Our dedicated North Carolina eminent domain and land condemnation lawyers have years of experience handling these complex claims throughout the state. We’re here to help you get the fair treatment you deserve.

We’re on Your Side

If your land, home, or business is affected by any type of land condemnation, call Henson Fuerst at 866-821-3146 for a FREE CONSULTATION. An experienced eminent domain and land condemnation lawyer will speak with you and answer all of your questions. At Henson Fuerst, we will explain your options, and stand with you every step of the way in fighting to protect your rights to the fair and just compensation you may deserve.

When you call, you will speak with one of our experienced North Carolina eminent domain and land condemnation attorneys absolutely FREE. Attorneys David Henson and Anne Fisher are committed to protecting the rights of property owners facing Land Condemnation.

Call Henson Fuerst, Because Your Case Matters