Posts Tagged ‘hampstead bypass project law firm’
REMINDER! You are invited to a Free Seminar on the R-300 Hampstead Bypass Project Affecting Property Owners in New Hanover and Pender Counties
You are cordially invited to attend an important seminar that will cover how the Kirby case victory can/will impact property owners in New Hanover and Pender counties. The seminar will cover the issue of property owner damages for determining: What was taken from you What it is worth What DOT should pay you for the…
Read MoreHampstead Bypass Project To Begin Right-of-Way Acquisition In May 2018
The Hampstead Bypass Project may begin sooner than expected. N.C Department of Transportation (NCDOT) spokesperson Brian Rick recently announced that construction on improvement efforts around the Hampstead Bypass could begin as soon as 2020. This development is a result of the Hampstead Bypass being integrated with another transportation improvement project in the same area. New…
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