Land and property owners can face many difficult and unique situations from time to time. Situations involving property rights, land commendation, zoning variances and premises liability can be very complicated and stressful. Henson Fuerst Land Condemnation Attorney David Henson recently won a hearing before the Randolph County Commissioners. In this case, David successfully argued for…
Read MoreHenson Fuerst North Carolina Land Condemnation attorneys represent property owners throughout the state who have been restricted from freely using their property due to the Map Act. Since 1989, the Map Act has given North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) the right to impose restrictions on the use of other people’s property that falls…
Read MoreMany property owners in Pender County are facing possible Land Condemnation due to the Hampstead Bypass project. This means that you may be in jeopardy of having your property taken from you by the county. To learn more about this construction project and how it is impacting landowners in your community, join Henson Fuerst, Eminent…
Read MoreThe City of Asheville has made inconsistent valuations of property it seeks to condemn in the River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP) according to an analysis by the Citizen Times. Some property owners have been offered a small fraction of what others have been offered for similar property. Click here to read the entire…
Read MoreOn June 3, 2016 residents around the Goldsboro, NC area woke up to the opening of the final leg of the Goldsboro Bypass. The Goldsboro Bypass is one part of a larger North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) initiative called the US 70 Corridor Project. The U.S 70 Corridor is one of the primary east-west…
Read MoreThe Transportation Corridor Official Map Act has caused frustration and hardship for many North Carolina landowners for more than two decades. Since 1989, the Map Act has given the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) the right to impose indefinite restrictions on the use of property that falls within the boundaries of future highway bypass…
Read MoreHenson Fuerst Land Condemnation partner Anne Duvoisin had a recent article published by the American Bar Association for her coverage of the Sabal Pipeline litigation in Florida. Sabal Trail Transmission project is a natural gas pipeline that would cover over 33 miles of land from southwestern Alabama through Georgia and Florida. While this case involves…
Read MoreMore Hampstead Bypass updates in the news: Pender County Commissioners have now hired a lobbyist to push for the bypass with state lawmakers in an attempt to get the stalled project moving forward. This will not come soon enough for landowners who are affected by the proposed bypass under the North Carolina Map Act (Transportation…
Read MoreLandowners affected by the Hampstead Bypass continue to be stuck in no-mans-land, and it does not appear that the situation is likely to change in the near future. Will the project be funded or won’t it? Sometimes the answer appears to be yes, sometimes maybe, and sometimes no. And in all this indecision, landowners are…
Read MoreAccording to a Facebook post by Atlantic Beach, the U.S. 70 corridor has been designated as a high-priority future interstate on the National Highway System. The future interstate projects include the Gallants Channel Bridge, the Kinston Bypass, the Havelock Bypass, and James City. Read more here:Â
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