Project Code
Project Type
Road Widening
Affected Counties
Project Overview
The NC Department of Transportation is making significant improvements to the Raleigh beltline along I-440 between just south of Walnut Street in Cary and north of Wade Avenue in Raleigh. The project will include additional lanes and is designed to improve traffic flow, access and efficiency along the roadway. Changes include widening I-440 from four to six lanes, replacing pavement and bridges and upgrading interchanges.
The estimated cost will be $450-475M. This section of the Raleigh beltline is the oldest existing portion of I-440 and frustrates commuters with daily slow-downs and regular wrecks.
Construction is currently underway for this project.
Project Maps
Alternative 2, Jones Franklin Road interchange
Alternative 3, Athens Drive Bridge
Alternative 4, Melbourne Road interchange
Alternative 5, Western Boulevard interchange
Alternative 6, Ligon Street crossing
Alternative 7a, Hillsborough-Wade interchange (flyover)
Alternative 7b, Hillsborough-Wade interchange (two flyovers)
Alternative 7c, Hillsborough-Wade interchange (slight detour)
Our Eminent Domain Attorneys Are Here to Help
If your property is at risk of being taken by the government for this project, contact an experienced land condemnation lawyer at Henson Fuerst to ensure that your rights are protected. Fill out and submit a contact form with your information and situation, or call our office at 919-781-1107 to speak directly with one of our eminent domain attorneys for a free legal consultation today.