Featured Projects
Project Name | Project Details | Project Code | Project Type | Counties |
Asheville River Arts District Transportation Improvement | In conjunction with $200 million in mixed-use private development along Asheville's River Arts District, a $50 million tax-funded investment will reroute roads and increase pedestrian accessibility. The city has hired Code Studio, an Austin-based land planning firm, to conduct meetings and workshops with new residents to develop new “form-based” zoning rules for the area. New roads and pedestrian pathways may be routed through existing properties, and new zoning rules may drastically alter the landscape of the neighborhood. Code Studio consultants are now working through plans for the updated River Arts district. Click here to view Project Updates for the River Arts District Click here to view a detailed Project Map | N/A | Roadway Improvements | Buncombe |
U.S. 74 Shelby Bypass | The U.S. 74 Bypass around Shelby, North Carolina, is an 18.5-mile, four-lane, divided highway that will extend west of Peachtree Road near Mooresboro to the existing US 74 route west of Long Branch Road. Projected to cost more than $284.8 million dollars, the first two phases of the project, R-2707A and R-2707B, have already been funded by the state. Some property owners in the path of the project are already facing eminent domain.
If your home, business, or land is affected, you have the legal right to file an immediate land condemnation claim. This means you can either negotiate or litigate with the State of North Carolina to increase the compensation paid to you for the loss of your land.
US 74 Inverse Condemnation ClaimsThree additional phases of the project—R-2707C, R-2707-D, and R-2707E—are not yet underway, but have been affecting property owners for many years by restricting what they can and cannot do with their land. These claims are called “inverse condemnation claims” because the state treats these properties as “protected corridors.” That means that property owners cannot develop their land, subdivide their properties, or significantly renovate existing structures. View a detailed map of part "A" of this project View a detailed map of part "B" of this project View a detailed map of part "C" of this project View a detailed map of part "D" of this project View a detailed map of part "E" of this project At Henson Fuerst, we're currently representing landowners affected by this bypass expansion project. As a result, our North Carolina land condemnation lawyers have filed a number of North Carolina Map Act lawsuits against the state, alleging that the protected corridors are unconstitutional and wrongfully deprive landowners of the use of their land. One such lawsuit filed by Henson Fuerst involves the matter of Stan Queen v. North Carolina Department of Transportation. |
R-2707A-E | Road Construction | Cleveland |
US Highway 17 Hampstead Bypass and Military Cutoff Road Extension | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) US 17 Hampstead Bypass project begins at a proposed interchange with the US 17 Wilmington Bypass in New Hanover County. The proposed roadway will extend northwest into Pender County to a proposed interchange with NC 210. From this interchange, the proposed bypass continues north on existing US 17 to Sloop Point Loop Road.
The Military Cutoff Road Extension portion of the project will begin at a proposed interchange at Military Cutoff Road and Market Street interchange and extend to a proposed interchange with the US 17 Wilmington Bypass, approximately midway between I-40 and Market Street.
The project affects landowners in Pender and New Hanover counties and right of way acquisition is currently in progress.
Under the North Carolina Map Act, property owners have been restricted from using their property as they wish since 2011. These restrictions include the inability to:
Project MapsNew Hanover and Pender County Line to Harrison Creek Road Area Harrison Creek Road to Hampstead Road near Griffith Drive Hampstead Bypass at N.C. 210 Holiday Drive Area to Hoover Road Hoover Road to Jenkins Road Jenkins Road to U.S. 17 near Topsail Schools |
U-4751, R-3300 | Roadway Improvements | Pender, New Hanover |
Fire Tower Road and Portertown Road Widening | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has proposed to widen Fire Tower Road – from Charles Boulevard (N.C. 43) to Portertown Road – and Portertown Road – from Fire Tower Road to 10th Street (N.C. 33) – in Greenville to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion as well as to reduce crashes and enhance connectivity.
The overall project is divided into two projects: Project U-5785 and Project U-5870.
Project U-5785 would widen a 0.6-mile stretch of Fire Tower Road from Charles Boulevard to 14th Street. This project is estimated to cost $6.2 million.
Project U-5870 involves widening Fire Tower Road to Portertown Road and then widening Portertown Road to 10th Street, a distance of 2.2 miles. This project is estimated to cost $23.8 million.
Right of way acquisition is beginning in summer 2026 and construction is set to begin in summer 2028.
Click here to view design 1 of this project Click here to view design 2 of this project Click here to view design 3 of this project [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hza5TTcCW1c#action=share%20[/embed] |
U-5785, U-5870 | Road Widening | Pitt |
Evans Street Widening | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NDOT) is planning to widen Evans Street/Old Tar Road that connects Greenville and Winterville in Pitt County to four lanes from the intersection of Cooper Street and Worthington Road in Winterville to N.C. 43/U.S. 264A (Greenville Boulevard) in Greenville.
The proposed project would help ease traffic congestion and improve safety. Right of Way acquisition is expected to cost more than $45 million, and is currently in progress. The total cost of the project is estimated at $87.17 million.
Project MapsClick here to view detailed map 1 of this project Click here to view detailed map 2 of this project Click here to view detailed map 3 of this project |
U-2817 | Road Widening | Pitt |
N.C. 150 Widening Improvements | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has been designing and constructing the R-2307 N.C. 150 Widening Improvement project for more than 10 years.
This project links with a 5.9 mile long projected called R-3833C. The final stretch of this project is .9 miles long and will affect about 40 properties. The total cost of this .9 mile development is estimated at $9 million for acquisition and construction.
Right of way acquisition for R-2307B is currently in progress.
Click here to view a detailed map of R-2307 Click here to view a detailed map of R-3833c |
R-2307B | Road Widening | Catawba, Iredell |
Brawley School Road Widening | R-3833C will widen Brawley School Road from just east of the I-77 Interchange to just east of the intersection of Brawley School Road and U.S. 21 in Mooresville. The project also includes improvements along U.S. 21 from just north of Dry Dock Loop/Vandalia Road to Abberly Green Blvd.
Right of way acquisition will begin in 2018 and construction will begin in 2020.
Project Maps: |
R-3833C | Road Widening | Iredell |
Kinston Bypass | Kinston Bypass is intended to reduce the traffic congestion that currently exists along a 20-mile stretch of U.S. 70 between LaGrange and Dover.
There are currently 12 design options being evaluated for this project which range from 21 miles to 25 miles. All of the designs are four-lane median-divided freeways which would only allow access to the roadway at interchanges.
Right of way acquisition for the project is set to begin in 2026.
Project Maps: |
R-2553C | Road Construction | Craven, Jones, Lenoir |
Future NC 540 | N.C. 540 Southeast Extension project was developed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) in order to meet the growing population and traffic in southeastern Wake county.
For this project, 16 Alternative Route options were created however in April 2016, NCDOT selected the "orange-green-mint-green" for construction. This route was selected based on public input as well as federal, state and local agency partners. Fortunately, out of all the alternatives that were presented, this one minimizes the amount of residents and businesses that would have to relocate.
The project is broken up into three parts: R-2721 (N.C. 55 Bypass to U.S. 401), R-2828 (U.S. 401 to I-40), and R-2829 (I-40 to U.S. 64/264).
Sections R-2721 A&B and R-2828 are currently under construction. Right of way acquisition for section R-2829 is scheduled to begin in 2025.
Project Map |
R-2828, R-2829 | Road Construction | Wake |
U.S. 70 Improvements in New Bern/James City | U.S. 70 Improvements in New Bern/James City is a 2.5 mile long project that stretches from Garner Road to the Neuse River Bridge. This project is one part of the U.S. 70 Corridor Improvement Project- which stretches from Raleigh to Morehead City, North Carolina. The U.S. 70 Corridor is one of the primary east-west corridors across eastern NC. By improving this corridor, NCDOT also anticipates economic development in the predominately rural parts of eastern NC.
In order to improve traffic flow in this area, significant modifications will be made to the interchanges at Williams, Airport and Grantham roads. Right of way acquisition is currently in progress. The project is estimated to cost $66 million and construction is expected to take up to five years.
Project MapsAs of January 2018, there were four possible design plans that included alternatives for interchanges along US 70 to either be above or below current grade. These alternatives were created after receiving feedback from community members after the proposed project was presented. Maps of these 4 alternatives may be viewed below.Alternative A1 Alternative A3 Alternative C1 Alternative C3 |
U-5713 | Roadway Improvements | Craven |
Hampstead US 17 Improvements and Dan Owen Connector | The North Carolina Department of Transportation US 17 Highway Improvements Project runs through Hampstead from Washington Acres Road to Sloop Point Road. The project is a super street design project which will add medians and u-turns along the entire length of the project. Many affected property owners will be losing land from the front of their parcels as right of way, in addition to frequent permanent utility easements and drainage easements. The DOT is also building a new alignment connection – known as the Dan Owen Connector – between Dan Owen Road and Factory Road. This project is intended to help ease traffic congestion along US 17 in Hampstead and has been designed to be completed along a similar time frame as the Hampstead Bypass project.
Right of way acquisition is scheduled to begin in September 2029.
Project MapsWashington Acres Road to Middle Village Lane Middle Village Lane to Vista Lane Vista Lane to Sloop Point Road |
U-5732 | Roadway Improvements | Pender |
Allen Road Widening | The Allen Road Widening project is a 2.3 mile improvement project that will widen Allen road from a two-lane to four-lane divided roadway from Stantonsburg Road to Dickinson Avenue. The project will feature a twenty-three foot median, five foot bike lanes on both sides of the road, curb and gutter and ten foot berms. The project is anticipated to cost $25.4 million. Property acquisition will start with Right of Way Agents in 2018, and construction will start in 2021.
Roadway Plans
Project Map |
U-5875 | Road Widening | Pitt |
US 17 Business Colonial Drive | The North Carolina Department of Transportation is now moving forward with Section B of project U-4902. Section B will widen a 2-mile stretch along U.S. 17 Business (Market Street) between Colonial Drive and Martin Luther King, Jr. Pkwy. and will include a median. There are approximately 70 property owners who will be impacted. The majority of owners affected include commercial businesses, churches, condominium associations, and hotels.
Right of way acquisition is currently in progress.
Project Map |
U-4902B, U-4902C | Road Widening | New Hanover |
I-440 Improvements | The NC Department of Transportation is making significant improvements to the Raleigh beltline along I-440 between just south of Walnut Street in Cary and north of Wade Avenue in Raleigh. The project will include additional lanes and is designed to improve traffic flow, access and efficiency along the roadway. Changes include widening I-440 from four to six lanes, replacing pavement and bridges and upgrading interchanges.
The estimated cost will be $450-475M. This section of the Raleigh beltline is the oldest existing portion of I-440 and frustrates commuters with daily slow-downs and regular wrecks.
Construction is currently underway for this project.
Project MapsAlternative 2, Jones Franklin Road interchange Alternative 3, Athens Drive Bridge Alternative 4, Melbourne Road interchange Alternative 5, Western Boulevard interchange
Alternative 6, Ligon Street crossing Alternative 7a, Hillsborough-Wade interchange (flyover) Alternative 7b, Hillsborough-Wade interchange (two flyovers) Alternative 7c, Hillsborough-Wade interchange (slight detour) |
U-2719 | Road Widening | Wake |
N.C. 211 Road Widening | The N.C. Department of Transportation will improve a 7.1 mile section of N.C. 211 from N.C. 73 in West End to Holly Grove School Road (S.R. 1241) in Moore County. The total cost will be $44.2M, of which $12M is allocated for property acquisition.
Right of way acquisition is currently in progress.
Project Maps
R-5726 | Road Widening | Moore |
U.S. 13 Road Widening from New Hope Road to North of Saulston Road | This is a 3-mile road improvement project that widens U.S. 13 from New Hope Road to north of Saulston Road in Goldsboro. The improved road will be a four land divided roadway, which will eliminate nearly all left turns from commercial businesses and residential properties. There are 190 affected property owners and right of way acquisition is currently in progress. The total projected cost is $45,1010,000.
Project Map |
U-3609B | Road Widening | Wayne |
Sunset Avenue Widening & I-95 Interchange Construction | This project will widen Sunset Avenue to four lanes with a median between Old Carriage and Halifax Roads. This project affects 103 parcels.
Right-of-way (ROW) acquisition is currently in progress.
Project Maps |
U-5026 | Road Widening | Nash |
U.S. 74 (Andrew Jackson Highway) Road Improvements | This is a roadway improvement project to US 74 (Andrew Jackson Highway) from Graham Street to SR 1749 (Allen Pond Road). It affects 80 parcels and has a budget of $4.9 million dollars.
This project is currently on hold.
Project Map |
R-5798 | Roadway Improvements | Anson |
Fayetteville Road Widening | This 1.3 mile project includes a quadrant intersection (unique left turn configurations), a roundabout, traditional road widening, and other features that are designed to improve traffic flow, reduce motor vehicle collisions and speed driving times. The current budget is expected to be more than $15M and right of way acquisition will begin in 2023.
Project Map |
U-5797 | Road Widening | Robeson |
Havelock Bypass to East of Thurman Road | Estimated to cost between $153-$180M, this project part of the larger statewide project to upgrade U.S. 70 to interstate standards from Raleigh to Morehead City, NC (which will become Interstate 42).
Nearly all driveways, intersecting streets, and and median crossovers will be eliminated and three new interchanges will be added. There will be parallel service roads for all local traffic.
Click here for additional videos about the project
Alternative A Key MapAlternative B Key Map |
R-5777C | Roadway Improvements | Craven |
N.C. 211 Road Widening Between Aberdeen and Raeford | This project will improve a 15.4 mile section of NC 211 running from West Palmer Street in Aberdeen to Mockingbird Hill Road in Raeford. Roadway improvements include widening to a four lane divided highway, with control of access imposed along the length of the project. For the majority of affected properties, left turns will be restricted so that all driveways will be right-in right-out design. The expected cost of the project is currently set at $207 million. Right of way acquisition is currently in progress and construction is currently expected to take 4 years.
Project MapsU.S. 15-501 to Collinswood Drive: |
R-5709 | Road Widening | Hoke, Moore |
I-95 Widening South of Fayetteville | This project stretching from US 301 (Exit 22) to I-95 Business/US 301 (Exit 40) will widen I-95 to eight travel lanes and upgrade several bridges and interchanges. The project is broken into three sections:
Project Maps |
I-5987 | Road Widening | Robeson |
Marsh Creek Road and Trawick Road Improvements | The City of Raleigh is planning to make improvements to Marsh Creek Road and Trawick Road from Capital Boulevard to New Hope Road. This project is budgeted to cost $15.1M, and will include the development of sidewalks, stormwater curbing and guttering, improved bus stops, bicycle lanes, and landscaping. Right of way acquisition began in August 2021 and construction for this project is expected to begin in 2022.
Project Map |
N/A | Roadway Improvements | Wake |
I-95 Widening in Lumberton | Project OverviewThe North Carolina Department of Transportation is planning to widen almost nine miles of I-95 in Lumberton. The project stretches from mile marker 13 (I-74) to just south of exit 22. The project proposes to improve three interchanges (exits 17, 19 and 20) with new bridges and ramps to modern design standards.
Right of way acquisition began in fall 2021 and construction is set to begin in 2022. The entire project is projected to cost $430.3 million.
Project Maps |
I-6064 | Road Widening | Robeson |
U.S. 74 Express Lanes - West of Idlewild Road to I-485 | In order to accommodate the growing population in Charlotte, the North Carolina Department of Transportation is planning to improve and implement a network of express lanes in southeastern Charlotte and Matthews.
The U-2509A project includes improvements on routes parallel to U.S. 74 to help minimize congestion during construction on U.S. 74 on Independence Point Parkway, Northeast Parkway, Arequipa Drive and Krefeld Drive. The U-2509B project includes upgrading U.S. 74 to an expressway with express lanes from west of Idlewild Road to I-485. These express lanes reduce congestion and improve traffic flow by offering motorists the option to pay a toll and ride in the express lane or continue driving on the general purpose lanes for free. The project is estimated to cost $905-958 million and construction is scheduled to begin in 2022. Project Maps |
U-2509 | Road Construction | Mecklenburg |
Camden Road Improvements | NCDOT and the Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization have identified a need to improve the road between N.C. 59 (Main Street) in Hope Mills and the Fayetteville Outer Loop interchange that will be built at Camden Road in western Cumberland County. Most of this congested stretch has two travel lanes and an open center turn lane. The project would widen the road to four lanes with a raised median, a move that would improve safety and traffic flow. Improvements will be to a 3.3 mile section of Camden Road in the Hope Mills area.
Estimated total cost: $29 million
Right of Way Acquisition: Fall 2021
Construction Begins: 2023
Project Maps: |
U-3422 | Roadway Improvements | Cumberland |
Improvements to U.S. 258/N.C. 24/N.C. 53 Intersection in Jacksonville | In this project, NCDOT will make improvements to the intersection of Richlands Highway (US 258/NC 54) and Burgaw Highway (NC 53) near Westpark Shopping Center in Jacksonville. Construction began in 2021 and ends in 2024. The Department’s intent is to ease congestion in the area by converting the current at-grade intersection to an interchange with bridges and ramps to help facilitate turning movements. The project total cost is estimated to be $47,912,000.
Project Maps |
U-5716 | Roadway Improvements | Onslow |
Lumley-Westgate-Ebenezer Church Roads Bicycle & Pedestrian Project | This project would provide a continuous bicycle path between Brier Creek and Umstead Park, using Lumley Road, Westgate Road, Ebenezer Church Road, and Graylyn Drive. The complete Right of Way and Easement Acquisitions will take place in early 2023, with a budget of $3.4 million.
Project MapMap 1 |
N/A | Road Construction | Wake |
NC-42 Widening From East Salisbury Street to Dixie Drive |
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will widen a section of NC 42 from East Salisbury Street (S.R. 2237) to North of U.S. 64/N.C. 49 (Dixie Drive). Plans include widening NC 42 from two to three lanes along with adding a center left-turn lane, along with adding sidewalks to both sides of NC 42 in this section. The intent of this project is to address the safety concerns of NC 42 by improving traffic operations and congestion. Construction is expected to impact numerous properties along E. NC 42, seizing large portions of land along the road. Right of way acquisition began mid-2021 with construction beginning in 2022, with an estimated cost of $11,432,000. Project Map |
U-5743 | Road Widening | Randolph |
Wayside Road Area Improvement Project | This project consists of widening the following roads:
Project Maps: |
U-5753 | Road Construction | Hoke |
Naco Road Extension | This project, proposed by NCDOT, would extend Naco Road from O’Ferrell Street to U.S. 70 (Burlington Road) with rail grade separations at Ward Road and Wagoner Bend Road. Additionally, it would include the closure of rail crossings at Maxfield Road and Buchanan Church Road in Greensboro. The purpose of the project is to remove existing at-grade railroad crossings, provide safety improvements, and improve passenger and freight rail operations along the Piedmont Corridor between Raleigh and Charlotte.
Project Maps |
Y-5500GA | Road Construction | Guilford |
US 70 Miami Blvd, U-5720A | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposed an intersection improvement from Lynn Road in Durham to west of Alexander Drive in Raleigh. There will be an upgrade to a controlled-access facility and convert at-grade intersection with SR 1811/ SR 1959 to interchange. Break A of this project is US 70 (Miami Blvd) from Lynn Road to SR 1959 (S Miami Blvd) / SR 1811 (Sherron Rd). Right of way acquisition is expected to begin in 2022 and the total project cost is $136,124,000. | U-5720A | Roadway Improvements | Durham |
US 70 Miami Blvd, U-5720B | NCDOT proposed an intersection improvement from Lynn Road in Durham to west of Alexander Drive in Raleigh. There will be an upgrade to a controlled-access facility and convert at-grade intersection with SR 1811/ SR 1959 to interchange. Break B of this project will cost $73,200,000. Right-of-way acquisition will begin in 2024 and construction will begin in 2027. | U-5720B | Roadway Improvements | Durham, Wake |
NC 55 Williams Street Widening | NCDOT proposes widening N.C. 55 (Williams Street) from U.S. 1 to north of Olive Chapel Road (S.R. 1160) to reduce congestion along N.C. 55. Right of way acquisition is scheduled to begin in 2027.
Project MapsVicinity Map |
U-2901B | Road Widening | Wake |
Improvements at US 29 (Franklin Blvd) and NC 274 | Gaston county will receive intersection improvements at US 29 (Franklin Blvd) and NC 274. This project affects 28 parcels and has a budget of $6.9 million dollars. Right-of-Way Acquisition should start in June of 2022 and construction in early 2024. |
U-5965 | Roadway Improvements | Gaston |
Intersection Improvements at NC 54 (East Harden St) & NC 49 (East Elm St) | This project is for improvements at the intersection of NC 54 (East Harden St) & NC 49 (East Elm St) in Graham. There are 27 parcels affected. NCDOT has selected Alternative 2 as the Preferred Alternative. Alternative 2 would replace the existing signalized intersection with a hybrid roundabout. Right-of-Way budget is $180,000.00 and Right-of-Way should start in 2022. Construction should start in summer of 2023. Project Maps |
U-6017 | Roadway Improvements | Alamance |
NC 45 Widening - US 17 to Southern City Limits of Colerain | R-5809B runs on NC 45 from US 17 to southern city limits of Colerain. It was halted during the pandemic. It has 225 affected parcels and budget of $250,000.00. The Survey has been completed. Right-of-Way Acquisition begins June 15, 2023, let June 17, 2025. Project Maps |
R-5809B | Road Widening | Bertie |
Widening of Mallard Creek/Derita Roads from I-485 to Concord Mills Boulevard | U-6032 runs from Mallard Creek Rd (SR 2467) and Derita Rd (SR 1445) from I-485 to Concord Mills Boulevard. There are 56 parcels on this project with a budget of $14,400,000.00. It is currently in Right-of-Way process and expected to be complete by February 2023. Project Maps |
U-6032 | Road Widening | Cabarrus, Mecklenburg |
Roundabout Construction at US 70 (Live Oak St) and NC 101 |
This project consists of replacing an existing traffic signal with a one lane roundabout on US 70 (Live Oak St) and NC 101. 17 parcels will be affected and it has a budget of $859,000.00. DOT is restarting the ROW process. Right-of-Way Acquisition should start in September 2022. Construction is estimated to start in early 2026. Project Maps |
U-6058 | Road Construction | Carteret |
Mid-Currituck Bridge |
This project will provide a new bridge. It is a 7 mile toll bridge with two lanes that will span the Currituck Sound, connecting Currituck County to the mainland Outer Banks. 86 parcels will be affected with a budget of $16,496,000.00. Right-of-Way Acquisition should begin in 2023 and construction in 2025. Project Maps |
R-2576 | Bridge Construction | Currituck |
Kernersville Southern Loop |
U-5760 is the Kernersville Southern Loop from US421/Business to NC 66 (West Mountain Street). DOT states 110 parcels will be affected and they have a budget of $4,316,000.00 for this project. It is currently in design phase but Right-of-Way Acquisition will occur in April of this year. A construction timeframe has not been set. Project Maps |
U-5760 | Road Widening | Forsyth |
Forum Parkway Connector |
The Forum Parkway Connector Project from SR 3955 (Forum Parkway) to NC 66 (University Parkway) has a budget of $4.3 million and will affect 30 parcels. Right-of-Way is currently underway and construction is set for June 2024. Project Maps |
U-5899 | Road Construction | Forsyth |
Widening Vandalia Rd from Elm-Eugene Street to Pleasant Garden Rd | The City of Greensboro has plans for road widening on Vandalia Rd from Elm-Eugene Street to Pleasant Garden Rd. 32 parcels will be affected and the budget for this project is $1,000,000.00. This project is currently under design with a final design plan review expected by spring of 2022. Project Maps |
P05605 | Road Widening | Greensboro |
Franklin Boulevard Grade Separation | The Norfolk Southern H Line will receive grade separation at Franklin Blvd crossing and close O’Ferrell St crossing. Seventeen parcels will be affected at a cost of $2,500,000.00. Right-of-Way Acquisition should start summer of 2022 and construction in 2024.
Project Maps |
P-5709 | Grade Separation | Guilford |
NC 55 Widening - Church St to Angier Town Limit | A new road will be constructed in Harnett County, NC 55 from Church St to Angier Town limit. 128 parcels will be affected and the budget is $11,834,000.00. This project is in active Right-of-Way Acquisition. NCDOT plans for utility companies to start work by summer time. Project Map |
R-5705A | Road Widening | Harnett |
Brawley School Road Widening | Eighty-seven parcels will be affected for this project. The NCDOT has a budget of $5.2 million dollars. Brawley School Rd will be widened from I-77 to US 21. Right-of-Way Acquisition should be finished by fall of 2022. Construction may start in fall of 2023. Project Maps |
R-3833C | Road Widening | Iredell |
US 221 Business Widening | NCDOT is improving the roadway at US 221 Business from US 221/NC 26 to Georgia Ave in McDowell County. 60 parcels will be affected and the budget is $1,4000,000.00. Right-of-Way plans are still being developed. ROW Acquisition date is June 2023. Project Maps |
U-5835 | Road Widening | McDowell |
NC 73 Widening - Beatties Ford Rd to West Catawba Ave | NCDOT is currently preparing ROW plans for this project. It proposes widening and improvements to NC 73 from Beatties Ford Rd to West Catawba Ave in Huntersville and Cornelius. Right-of-Way Acquisition should begin this year (2022) and construction should begin in 2026. There are 96 parcels that will be impacted by this project and the budget is $45,000,000.00. Project Maps |
R-5721B | Road Widening | Mecklenburg |
SR 1009 Improvements - (John St-Old Monroe Rd at I-485 Interchange) | This interchange improvements project has only seven parcels that will be affected. The budget for this project is $21,600,000.00. The Right-of-Way plans should come in soon and acquisition could take six to nine months. This project is on SR 1009 (John St-Old Monroe Rd at I-485 Interchange.) |
U-4714AB | Roadway Improvements | Mecklenburg |
Gilead Rd Widening from US 21 to Holly Point Drive | This project in currently in the Right-of-Way Acquisition phase. Construction should begin at the end of 2024. 72 parcels are affected and the budget is $52,600,000.00. This project will be on Gilead Rd from US 21 to Holly Point Drive. Project Maps |
U-5771 | Road Widening | Mecklenburg |
LYNX Silver Line Light Rail | The City of Charlotte has proposed a 26 mile light rail from City of Belmont through Center City Charlotte and Town of Matthews. There is a potential extension into Union County. |
N/A | Road Construction | Gaston, Union |
Improvements to N.C. 210/Murchison Road between I-295 and U.S. 401 Bypass |
This project is located on NC 210 (Murchison Rd) I-295 to South of US 401 Bypass. This road connects people from downtown Fayetteville to Fort Bragg. NCDOT has budgeted $8.960 million and Right of Way should start in January 2023.
U-4900 | Roadway Improvements | Cumberland |
U.S. 321 Widening - US 70 in Hickory to South of US 321A |
NCDOT will widen US 321 between Hickory and Lenoir, to six lanes, three in each direction. Estimated cost is $395 million. Right of Way is in process now and construction is scheduled for 2025. Project Map |
U-4700A US 321 | Roadway Improvements | Catawba |
U.S. 421 Intersection Improvements |
NCDOT proposes transportation improvements on U.S. 421 in Randolph County to enhance safety and transportation operations. Right-of-Way acquisition begins in Fall 2022 and construction will be quick to follow. The project includes the following improvements: Conversion of at-grade intersection to interchange
Closure of at-grade intersection
Intersection realignment
Project MapsColonial Trading Path/Shiloh Road Interchange Julian Airport Road Interchange Starmount Road/Shiloh Road Interchange East of U.S. 421 at Starmount Road/Shiloh Road Into Megasite |
HE-0004 | Roadway Improvements | Randolph |
US 1 (Sandhills Boulevard) Improvements from Knight Street to Old US 1 | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to make improvements on US 1 (Sandhills Boulevard) from Knight Street to Old US 1. The project is expected to cost $713,000 and will impact 113 parcels of land.
Project MapsMap 1A |
U-5815B | Roadway Improvements | Moore |
NC 210 (Murchison Road) Improvements , I-295 to South of US 401 Bypass | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to make improvements on NC 210 (Murchison Road), from I-295 to south of US 401 Bypass. The project is expected to cost $8,960,000 and will impact 144 parcels of land.
Project Maps |
U-4900 | Roadway Improvements | Cumberland |
Two Lane Facility Construction Between SR 1923 (Broad Street), SR 1641 (Clemmer Road) and SR 1645 (Mt. Olive Church Road) | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to construct a two lane facility utilizing sections of SR 1923 (Broad Street), SR 1641 (Clemmer Road) and SR 1645 (Mt. Olive Church Road). The project is expected to cost $8,598,000 and will impact 528 parcels of land. Right-of-way acquisition is expected between 2023-2025. | U-5706 | Road Construction | Richmond |
Parkway Extension SR 2714 (Jacksonville Parkway Ext), NC 53 (Western Boulevard) to SR 1324 (Ramsey Road) | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is planning a parkway extension, from SR 2714 (Jacksonville Parkway Ext), NC 53 (Western Boulevard) to SR 1324 (Ramsey Road). The project is expected to cost $6,707,000 and will impact 328 parcels of land. Right-of-way acquisition is expected to start in June 2026.
Project MapsMap 1, Alternative 1A |
U-5791A | Road Construction | Onslow |
NC 42 Road Widening from NC 50 to US 70 Business | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to widen NC 42 from NC 50 to US 70 Business. The project is expected to cost $14,696,000 and will impact 326 parcels of land. The project is in Preliminary Engineering. Currently, Right-of-way acquisition (ROW) is scheduled to begin in 2027 and construction in 2029. | R-3410 | Road Widening | Johnston |
Widening NC 160 from NC 49 (South Tryon Road) to SR 1116 (Shopton Road West) | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to widen NC 160 from NC 49 (South Tryon Road) to SR 1116 (Shopton Road West). According to NCDOT, the project had been mostly idle since late 2019. The project budget is $3,100,000 and will impact 185 parcels of land. Right-of-way acquisition (ROW) is scheduled to begin in the late summer of 2024 and utilities will begin being relocated in late summer of 2023. Construction is expected to last for three years. | U-5766B | Road Widening | Mecklenburg |
Independence Blvd Extension from Randall Pkwy to US 74 (MLK, Jr. Pkwy) | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to extend Independence Boulevard (S.R. 1209) by 1.7 miles from Randall Parkway to U.S. 74 (Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway) in Wilmington. There are 196 parcels along this project and the DOT expects to spend $67,092,000 on it. Right-of-Way is scheduled for 2024-2026 for these road improvements.
Project MapsMap 1Map 2Map 3Map 4 |
U-4434 | Road Widening | New Hanover |
Improvements to N.C. 210 between N.C. 50 and Raleigh Road (S.R. 1330) | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes intersection improvements to N.C. 210 in Johnston County between N.C. 50 and Raleigh Road (S.R. 1330). This includes an upgrade to a superstreet to improve safety for drivers. There are 80 parcels on these roads and the DOT has budgeted $8 million. As of now, right of way acquisition is anticipated to begin in October 2025. Project Maps |
U-6203 | Roadway Improvements | Johnston |
Segment D of Capital Boulevard North Upgrade - N.C. 98 Business (Durham Road) to Purnell Road/Harris Road |
Segment D of the Capital Boulevard North Upgrade spans from N.C. 98 Business (Durham Road) to Purnell Road/Harris Road in Wake Forest. There are 154 parcels and the DOT has budgeted $48.9 million for the project. This segment is not expected to begin right of way acquisition until 2031 or later. Project Maps |
U-5307D | Roadway Improvements | Wake |
Segment C of Capital Boulevard North Upgrade - Burlington Mills Road to N.C. 98 Business (Durham Road) | Project U-5307C
Type: Roadway upgrade to controlled access facility
Affected County: Wake
Project OverviewSegment C of the Capital Boulevard North Upgrade spans from Burlington Mills Road to N.C. 98 Business (Durham Road) in Wake Forest. There are 90 parcels along this project and the DOT expects to spend about $28,199,000. This segment is not expected to begin right of way acquisition until 2028 or later.Project MapsOur Eminent Domain Attorneys in Wake County, NC Are Here to HelpIf your property is at risk of taking by the government for the Capital Boulevard North Upgrade, be sure to get in touch with an experienced land condemnation lawyer at Henson Fuerst to ensure that your rights are protected as a property owner. Fill out and submit a contact form with details about your situation, or call our office at 919-781-1107 to speak directly with one of our attorneys for a legal consultation today. |
U-5307C | Roadway Improvements | Wake |
Roadway Upgrades from NC 88 to NC 194 | Project R-5832
Type: Roadway upgrades
Affected County: Ashe
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes roadway improvements to NC 88 in Ashe County from NC 88 to NC 194. There are 106 parcels on these roads and the DOT has budgeted $12.8 million. As of now, right of way acquisition is anticipated to begin in February 2025 and construction is expected to begin in February 2028. Our Eminent Domain Attorneys in Ashe County, NC Are Here to HelpIf your property is at risk of taking by the government for project R-5832, contact an experienced land condemnation lawyer at Henson Fuerst to ensure that your rights are protected as a property owner. Fill out and submit a contact form with details about your situation, or call our office at 919-781-1107 to speak directly with one of our attorneys for a legal consultation today. |
R-5832 | Roadway Improvements | Ashe |
NC 16 (Providence Road South) from SR 1321 (Cuthbertson Road) to SR 3530 (Waxhaw Parkway) | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes roadway improvements to NC 16 (Providence Road South) from SR 1321 (Cuthbertson Road) to SR 3530 (Waxhaw Parkway). There are 114 parcels affected, and the DOT has budgeted $9.6 million. As of now, right of way acquisition is anticipated to begin in January 2025, and construction is expected to begin in June 2029. |
U-5769B | Roadway Improvements | Union |
US 17 Business to SR 1145 (Oak Stump Road) | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes roadway improvements to US 17 Business to SR 1145 (Oak Stump Road). There are 31 parcels affected, and the DOT has budgeted $2.8 million. As of now, right of way acquisition is anticipated to begin in March 2025, and construction is expected to begin in March 2028. |
U-5939 | Roadway Improvements | Pasquotank |
Osceola Street to Niblick Drive | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes roadway improvements from Osceola Street to Niblick Drive. There are 60 parcels affected, and the DOT has budgeted $13.4 million. As of now, right of way acquisition is anticipated to begin in January 2025. |
U-5961 | Roadway Improvements | Gaston |
SR 4979 (Ballantyne Commons Parkway) Widening along the South Carolina State Line |
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to widen SR 4979 (Ballantyne Commons Parkway) along the South Carolina State Line. There are 88 parcels affected, and the DOT has budgeted $13.3 million. As of now, right of way acquisition is anticipated to begin at the end of 2025. |
U-6109 | Road Widening | Mecklenburg |
NC 127 Widening - SR 1132 (Huffman Farm Road) to SR 1008 (Zion Church Road) | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to widen NC 127 - SR 1132 (Huffman Farm Road) to SR 1008 (Zion Church Road). There are 154 parcels affected, and the DOT has budgeted $23.9 million. As of now, right of way acquisition is anticipated to begin in 2025. |
U-2530A | Road Widening | Catawba |
NC 119 Upgrades from SR 1981/SR 2126 to Lowes Boulevard | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to upgrade NC 119 from SR 1981 (Trollingwood-Hawfields Road)/SR 2126 (Old Hillsborough Road) to Lowes Boulevard. Construction for this project is currently delayed and scheduled to begin in May 2028. There are 24 parcels affected, and the DOT has budgeted $3 million. |
U-6013 | Roadway Improvements | Alamance |
US 15/US 501 Resurfacing & Widening, North of US 64 Business to Powell Place Lane | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to resurface and widen US 15/US 501, North of US 64 Business to Powell Place Lane. There are 84 parcels affected, and the DOT has budgeted $3.9 million. Right of way acquisition is underway. |
R-5724B | Road Widening | Chatham |
NC 67 (Elm Street) Widening at US 21 Bus, Commerce Street to North Bridge | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to widen NC 67 (Elm Street) at US 21 Bus, Commerce Street in Elkin to North Bridge in Jonesville and to construct roundabouts at West Main Street and Elm Street, and Elm Street and North Bridge Street. There are 12 parcels affected, and the DOT has budgeted $1.1 million. Right of way acquisition is expected to begin in October 2024 and construction in November 2026. |
R-5913 | Road Widening | Yadkin, Surry |
Project Code | Project Type | Counties |